Simply optimum game of boxe of all the history of the PS2.

User Rating: 9 | Fight Night Round 3 PS2
Simply optimum game of boxe of all the history of the PS2.
Because it has a new system of fights, where practically you only use the L3 and the R3, to control and to beat(and protect), respectively.
The graphs are improved in relation to the last game of the series.
Another strong and inovante point of the game is that, when a certain blow is brandished either in you or in the adversary the camera is in first person, that is, it is in its eyes, of the same skill that is the entire game in the PS3.
What of the one very great realism, more not equal to the realism of the PS3.
In the PS3 you it will see I beat it of impact, that it balances all the skin of the face when makes right, no longer PS2 will be less realistic more very cool.
The sonorous track is improved, with musics that make you to enter in the spirit of the game.
Are agitated musics and that they seem to be made especially for the practical one of boxe.
The difficulty of the game is moderate. In the campaign we do not see much difference for the previous heading.
More it is very good for being able to train and to train with different technician depending on how much on money that you have.
I guarantee that after some esquivas and fights with legendary people of boxe or new fighters even though you go to want to practise boxe.