No, not ultimately better gameplay nor as good online as FNR3, but for what it is, its fun-NOT better than FNR3 though

User Rating: 7.5 | Fight Night Champion X360
Its just not as good. FN3 was more realistic, even with its blocking scheme. You had more control over your punches, and it was less spammy. FNChampion, though not as bad as the ridiculous FN4, still see's people punching WAY more in a round than you would ever see in real life boxing. But at least this time, they get tired from it.

Whoever thinks Fn4 was great....Im sorry, I could never ever agree.

Online, in FNChamp, theres seemingly way too many flash KO's. Its also more sluggish. Menu's are more sluggish than FN3. To all people who review games, those kinds of things matter.

Take FIFA for example - some years, their menus load fast and picking an online game is fast - other years, the menus are slow and sloggy. Well guess what kids, this is an EA game in 2011, and you guessed it, sluggish online menu screens courtesy of EA games. How some people, including Gamspot, never factor in things like load times and sluggishness of an interface is a mind-blower to me. If you think Im blowing smoke, youre wrong - ask yourself if menus and interfaces have gotten smoother or if you think EA games, in particular, always have increasingly bad, sluggish online menus. Theres no way you can argue against it - they do. And they dont care! Trust me....they DONT care.

Online in FNChamp is totally more laggy than FN3, and theres no arguing it. The footwork often has you more stumbling around the ring and stumbling and bumbling into your opponent than it should.

The flash KO's are kinda bullcrap - the between-rounds-in-the-corner thing was much better in FN3 requiring you to MANUALLY patch up your guy - MUUUCH better than what is in place these days.

FN3 is a better online boxing game - period.

However....take this for what it is = a new game. Just because EA hasnt done better than FN3 since then, doesnt mean you shouldnt rent it and enjoy the newer GFX, which are completely top notch. Buy it if you want, but its not, in my very honest opinion, better than FN3 especially on the online part.

MY FN3 record online is like 775 wins and like 60 losses. Ok? And thats the second account. So I know what Im talking about as far as fair and equal gameplay online, as well as the menus/interface. Ive spent PLENTY of time with Fight Night.

Yes, the single player in this one is completely out of a Rocky moive and yes, you have to beat the guys a certain way, but like I said....take it for what it is, a new game, and enjoy yourself - you will. Just not online as much.