Boxing perfection!

User Rating: 9.1 | Fight Night 2004 PS2
The graphics might not impress considering it's PS2, but EA has done a great job at making the boxers look lifelike.

This game has the best controls a boxing game could have. The fighter you possess does exactly the things you want him to do.

I've played through this game so many times, that I've lost count already.

I've won title after title, and it still gets me going. Starting a career in any of the weight-classes is an experience you wont forget.

The ranks tell you how far you've come in your career, and you can see if you got a shot at the championship title. Otherwise you just pick up your gloves and hop into the ring with the nearest opponent to the champ there is. Sooner or later you'll get a chance to beat the champ, and he can't get around it, he has to face you, either now or later on.

And if you happen to fall down and get beaten, just get up and try again. You get more chances..

The only thing that bugs me in Fight Night 2004 is the menus & soundtrack.
Menus are dark, and not so cheerful. You get rather furious looking at the black and pale scenery all the time, and the music in the background doesn't help much.

Even though you can't change the looks of the menu, you still can shut the music off in the options (thank god).

** Graphics: Well done character models, and the boxers move just like in real life. One of EA's perfected PS2 games, graphics wise.

** Gameplay: P-e-r-f-e-c-t. Enough said.

** Sound: Music is horrible, but the different sound-effects are great. Boxers seem real when you listen closely, and when in training, it's kind of cool when you hear others train in the back..Gives you real-life feel to it all.

** Value: Never mind the dark and gloomy menu setups, or the poor musical score - lean back and enjoy 20 years of glamour in the world of boxing. Start a career and climb to the top....It's worth it!

*Note: If you feel like me and just plain dislike the music in the game, here's a hint: Set up your stereo on your favourite radio station / cd, and raise the volume so that the music flows on the same level as the sounds in the game. Then you can go on and enjoy the game not getting bored without music playing in the back.*