Superb boxing game, and at the time was CERTAINLY the best available. One big mistake though: His name is Tigga...

User Rating: 8.9 | Fight Night 2004 XBOX
I always start my reviews with the cons first, and I try to be as straightforward as I can to eliminate a lot of undue rubbish, and my style is giving my overall summary at the end, so without further ado, here are the cons (in order from most egregious to mild.) Likewise, the PROS section will have the best, to least important. (In my never-to-be-humble opinion) THE CONS: 1.) Tigga/Tigger. Using some jive-talking deejay as a BOXING announcer? What was EA thinking? I turned this tripe all the way off just to add SOME enjoyment to the game. His potty-mouthed jive itched my ears, and dropped the overall value of the game so much that it reeked of ghetto slime. 2.) Boxers cannot move forward as they punch. Last I checked, boxers don't always stop, stand upright, and then strike a blow. This needs to be eliminated in future releases. 3.) There are MORE MUSIC STYLES THAN GHETTO RAP! Give us the OPTION of Rock and Roll, Classical, Military March, R&B, *OR* "Rap"