Fight Club is a One of a kind game , that gives you a taste of true fighting that you cannot find anywhere else.

User Rating: 7.7 | Fight Club PS2
Fight Club is very underapreciated , most probably due to people comparing it to the classic fighting game franchises on the market , In my opinion Fight Club is a One of a kind game , that gives you a taste of true fighting that you cannot find anywhere else.

Fight Clubs Fighting engine is in one word Brutal , this could mean that the fighting is bare nuckle as tough as it gets , and it can also mean its brutal to play. Well both of those are true , Fight Clubs controls are simplistic and ruggered , combos are basicaly non existant. But this all sets Fight Club apart from anything else in your collection. The Breaking bone finishers and Tapping out realy add something extremely different and they work well.

The graphics are pretty good , locations from the film are well represented with dark and dingy clubs , backyards, airport, parking lots that look great and set an atmostphere like nothing else. Fighting models are not hidious but they dont push the boundaries of the Ps2 ( or Xbox) like games such as , Tekken 5 , Fight nightround 2 or DOA ultimate. these graphics serve a purpose tho as they are modeled nicely and animate well. Stiff jabs , kicks and wrestling takedowns flow , in painful matter that is cringeworthy for sure. Added touches like blood splatting the camera , and bruises , Missing teeth and other blood , not only look great but help set the mood as well. Missing teeth and other body damage will stick with your fighter through every match in the arcade mode , wich is something good i have not seen before,

Sound is a mixed bag , the punches sound nice , the breaking bones crack with a truely painful sound and the music is top notch ( Korn , Limp Bizkit , Music from the move and QOTSA). Voice work in the cutscenes dont do the license justice and the voices are totaly non existant in pre/post match taunts.

game modes are not enough to keep you hooked on your ps2 for hours straight ,i gave up quickly on the story mode as it was difficult (for me) and didnt hook me in , the create-a-fighter is basic , Pure basic , but fights are fun/brutal enough to keep you putting this disk in and having a few matches in arcade or against a friend .

This is'nt Tekken or DOA , this is Fight Club and the Fighting engine sets its purpose on making a game as realistic as possible , the fights are real fights , they arnt beautiful peices of dancework as in other fighters . Combine this engine with the music , blood effects , Breaking bone finishers and Dark graphics , and you have a game like none other.