A Very Very Underrated Game. Great Fighting And Bone Breaking Goodness.

User Rating: 8.6 | Fight Club PS2
Fight Club For PS2.

Fight Club is a very very underrated game. I Have heard bad things about Fight Club the game like..............

The Shocking Story Mode.

The Lack Of Voices.

Bare Bones Fighting and so on. BUT I must admit this is a pretty good game.

Gameplay : The Gameplay in Fight Club Is Pretty good. There is your basic fighting and stuff. The best part is the Blood Splat on the screen And the bone breaking. The Bone Breaking is pulled off in ultimate style as it goes into normal view then into an awesome XRAY view, you actually see the bone break or pop out. The bones you can break vary from Spine,Arm and So On. The Blood Splat is awesome, you pull it off by executing a powerful enough hit on them. The Blood splats on the screen to different degrees, And when you walk through the screen the player gleams red. You can also create a fighter but its not in depth.

Graphics : The graphics in Fight Club are not all that bad, The fighters look fairly good and the backgrounds are alright. The Blood effects are nice and so is the bone breaking.

Sound : Sound is alright. Meatloaf does a good job as Bob. The Fighting sounds are alright, The punches and Kicks are nicely put together. The Background sounds are alright.

Value : Not Much Value In Fight Club unless you ike breaking peoples Arms.

All in all Fight Club is a very good game with all its bone breaking good ness.
Fight Club Offers some nice fighting and stuff.
Although the story mode sucks the rest of the game is awesome.

Glitch Level : 2 out of 10. Amount of glitches in game.

Fun Level : 10 out of 10. How much fun I have had playing this game.

Hard Mission Level : 2 out of 10. How much hard missions are in the game.

Humor Level : 5 out of 10. How much humor is in the game.