It may seem like just another FIFA game, but this game takes quite a different feel then what we expect from EA on PSP.

User Rating: 8.5 | 2006 FIFA World Cup Deutsch Taikai PSP
FIFA fans and video gamers should be packing up there annual FIFA games for PSP and should certainly run out to the market to pick up 2006 FIFA World Cup. It is a game that has more advanced graphics, a faster pace, and lets players experience the biggest sporting event on the planet.

FIFA World Cup sets you up with the most national teams of any FIFA game. That being said, the national teams are the only teams you can play against, but since players are so unused to the 150 or so national teams, this variety is very important. The game places you into a familiar world with most of EA's game modes returning, such as play now and my FIFA. However, the great thing is that your are actually able to take any country of your choice for a ride at the FIFA Cup. As great as it may sound, it gets quite repetitive, because there is absolutely no story, and not even any news paper headlines to read along the way. Not to say the game play isn't good. In fact it's probably the best that EA has done since bringing FIFA on the PSP, and it seems that they've gone to great depths to recreate what would happen in an actual match. The great thing is that your can score in more ways then in previous games. Matches also move a lot faster, and it takes some getting use to, but you will be happy with the new speeds players can reach.

The sound is quite realistic and sounds like it has being taken straight out of a live broadcast. Fans cheering is done well, although there could be a larger variety. Also whats going on on the field is top notch. Passes and kicks have a good sense of realism in them, however what's missing is they Bing sound when you hit the post.

The graphics in the game are better then average, and frame rate hold up well. Players look much more real then in 06, and their faces don't all look the same. Surroundings generally haven't taken much of a step forward, and will still please the eye. However, the balls you play with now look washed out, and quite unrealistic. Though they do a better job of looking circle.

2006 FIFA world cup is a good game, and a good footy simulation, and although there are some major drawbacks, like no story, and a lot less unlockables, it is still a well done game, and certainly atleast a small step forward for the franchise.
