Great fun and a groundbreaking game for myself

User Rating: 8.9 | FIFA World Cup: Germany 2006 X360
Being an American, soccer has never really been something I was even remotely interested in because I had never been exposed to it. However, with the this year being a FIFA World Cup year, I found myself intensly watching the games. I'm half Italian so I was more than pleased to see that won the finals.

Anyway, the game is amazing to me. Obviously, being an EA game the game is almost promising to be good in the gameplay area. I actually found myself almost standing up in my seat whenever I would be on a break away about to try and score a goal. This is when the game really stands out to me - luckily you don't have the ability to score everytime or else the game would feel way too arcade-like. The way the breakaways and corner kicks and shots on your own goal by the other team make your heart race is something I haven't felt in a sports game in a long time.

So I highly recommend this game as something that is different and for anyone who is looking for a nice change of pace. This game will provide that through and through. It is fun on all levels and easy to pick up, while still being complex enough to keep the game's replayability at a high level. So pick up this game if you have the extra might be as surprised as I was.