Addictive but i need more

User Rating: 6.7 | FIFA Street XBOX
Fifa Street is the kind of game could turn a non soccer fanatic to a "wanna be" i mean, when your start playing you could personalise your character, i consedired that an advantage of the game, and the tournaments, magic and all the stuff could provide to the player could be addictive, but actually i did't satisfied my expectative when i "rule the street" i mean... what else. At the end the game could be disappointing. First time i played the game, it was on a friend's house, then i get my own copy, then i couldn't stop playing, because i "wanna rule the street", but when i did, wow..... i did, and then?? It's just my opinion but, for example when you win a tournament you own the ball of the country, but when you own all trophies?? it could be nice if your player appeared in a magazine or press, or just a picture that you could acces anytime to show your frinds that you did it !!