FIFA Soccer 2004 offers lots and lots of hours of fun football!

User Rating: 9.2 | FIFA Football 2004 XBOX
FIFA Soccer 2004 is probably one of the best, if not the best soccer (what the rest of the world calls appropriately and rightfully football) game. The Xbox version makes most of the capacity of the console, with some jaw dropping graphics, particularly during the repalys. The graphics have seen some improvements since last year’s edition, the players look sharper, the stadiums are pretty impressive and most of all, the ball looks just great. In fact in doesn’t just look great, it moves so realistically that the gameplay founds itself improved by far and long. It’s probably the best feature in the 2004 edition. Like the Gamespot team wrote in the various previews, the ball doesn’t stick to the players’ feet anymore and calls for a more involving game for the gamers. As a gamer you must really work to control the ball and at the same time, the game is balanced well enough so it doesn’t become cumbersome, even for someone’s who’s playing for the first time. The difficulty levels are well balanced, going form amateur to World Class. You see a real difference between each level and it does a good job to challenge you once you upgrade from a level to another. Of course the real fun begins when you play against a friend of equal strength. The sound is outstanding as you can ear the crowd with a distinguished atmosphere in each stadium. (It’s in fact quite fun to ear the French yell : ”Aller les Bleus!”). The commentators are doing a good job and sound pretty funny too. The only two flaws in the game are the menu, which is not very user-friendly and could have been a little bit more elaborate, and the fact that it’s not Xbox Live enabled. However, these little details should not prevent you to play such a great game, I strongly recommend it to any soccer or sport fan anywhere, anytime!