Altought it is a nice game, but not suitable for me >.

User Rating: 7 | FIFA Manager 08 PC
I had played this game for 2 days in my friend house. Overall it is good especially the game website in the game, and can create own club. It's also included whole wide clubs and can change the music to our favorites music. The goals rate also very balance and have some good trick inside the game. But it is a waste of time, I spent most of the times just waiting for the game loading, loading and loading. In two hours i only manages to pass 1 month if I skip it faster and faster. I don't think this is my computer problem because i still can play Call Of Duty 4. I can feel the change from 07 fifa manager to 08 fifa manager, it is good. If fifa manager 09 unveil, I hope they will increase the game graphic, decrease loading speed, and others. Come on fifa, please show me your true power! I want the best of the product!