fun,great multiplayer,good replay

User Rating: 9 | FIFA Soccer 08 PS3
Fifa 08 is the best in the series,it has great graphix and fun gameplay. The more players,the better. This is a great multiplayer game for all ages. I play this game with my dad and uncle,they love it,even after they lose everytime. But really,it is worth buyin this over 2009 because the gameply is better and the graphix are almost the same. There are many teams to choose from,i dont know any of them exept manchester united, but there are alot of teams. If u are a soccer fan than this is a very good chioce for a cheap a great game,no need for 2009 version,this one is great. The graphix are very nice,defined,bright,and cool looking,especially in the side to side camera mode which shows about half the field in one screen and it is ver nice on a 42 inch HDTV. Get this over all the other soccer games,it is more worth it for that money,dont listen to the other reviews,they are all crazy,get this game!