How to make football a frustrating experience

User Rating: 1 | FIFA Soccer 08 PS3
In order to develop a decent football game you have to
A... be familiar with the sport
B...have watched at least some real games on TV to know what this sport is all about
C...know the rules
The team behind this atrocity have done nothing of the above
people giving this game high scores should go get checked honestly.
graphics are decent sound is ok the rest sucks big time
about the game play...
it is ridiculous to be able to tackle your own players
It is stupid that players have no control over the ball while running
all the AI controlled players can score from a free kick
AI controlled goalkeepers can actually fly to deflect a shot
You spend hours editing your player's stats but they don't count
Ai teams are always faster stronger and need just one shot during the game to win while you struggle to score
The developers have probably mixed football with rugby so the AI controlled players keep pushing and pulling your players in order to get the ball which from the little i know is a free kick.

bottom line is this is an attempt to ridicule football and its fans all over the world