A game with an initial turn off, but once you get into it. Definately a keeper.

User Rating: 8.5 | FIFA Soccer 08 WII
When I first saw the adverts, videos and screenshots for the latest Fifa installment on the Wii I must say I was a little put off. How would it work I asked myself. Intrigued, I looked up all the resources I knew and found a great deal of information and clips on the game.

Walking into this as a firm PES fan, I was very sceptical. But the tutorial was quick and told me what I needed to know. The game, however, is fundamentally hard with some slightly confusing controls. The learning curve is the steepest I have played on the Wii but it is explained well with a good few levels of difficulty for beginners through to the advance players. At first sight, the graphics are very good for the Wii. The shirt is wrinkled and not perfectly ironed mid way through a World Cup final, the players faces are very well done with the kits a perfect replica. On closer inspection, however the crowd is a huge let down. Slightly comical, the 2D crowd jump up and down with a red outline staying with them. That can be over looked as it isn't often you see them up close. The crowds chants are realistic and the sound rises and lowers depending on position on the field.

Game modes are great with plenty to do. However EA have taken the manager side of things out of the equation due to reasons best kept to themselves. If they had included a small transfer engine, the tournament side of things would be lot more enjoyable. However the variety in the game keeps it fresh.

Online play is brilliant with lots of opponents to challenge your ability. For me, my connection is slightly weak so a lot of the time I am struggling to play a full game. However, often when I do I find myself playing 120 minutes and being on the edge of my seat the whole way. Overall, it is a more arcadey style of FIFA with the players taking a slight cartoon look about them. It is very enjoyable with loads of different dimensions to the game. However, moving the player around is difficult as the Nunchuck joystick is not meant for football games as the divots really affect your direction. If you are put off by a steep STEEP learning curve, don't but it but if you feel you can persist then fork out the money for a great game on the Wii. Much better than it's counterpart, Mario Strikers Charged, FIFA 08 on the Wii is an excellent addition to any games collection.