WARNING: This game may cause user to throw controller, which may cause injury.

User Rating: 8 | FIFA Soccer 08 X360
I have been a FIFA fan for many years. My first FIFA game was FIFA 2000 for the PC. FIFA 06 for the Xbox, which I still play, is also a great football game.

As for FIFA 08 I am still learning how to play. This game makes me go completely mental, which admittedly is not an unreachable event.

Anyhoo…. FIFA 08 has a very steep learning curve compared to past games. You are going to have to accept losing while learning. I started in Manager Mode with Manchester United – a great club with some fantastic talent. Even then the game hands me my ars on a platter.

In FIFA 06 I got to the point where I could almost score on cue. Not in FIFA 08. This is what makes the game so realistic. Low scoring and very tough matches. You really have to work at touches to create scoring chances.

As for the skills I have not mastered those. I have, however, mastered the art of attempting a skill move and losing the ball. I am very good at that.

This is a great game as winter approaches given the depth of the learning curve and the need to relearn the skills. Even though this thing is driving me freakin' nuts I still think it's a great buy for your library.