Diner Dash inspired with a touch of Theme Hospital and a lot of crazy patients.

User Rating: 6.5 | Fever Frenzy PC
Fever Frenzy lets you play as a male or female doctor, healing patients back to health. The game takes place in four different hospitals, and the patient healing process is fairly simple: place them in the diagnosis chair, wait for them to change into their pajamas, place them in bed, bring their medicine when needed, check them out and make the bed.

Of course, there are several added challenges. Patients have different colors of PJs, so you get bonus points by matching them to the respective color beds. A virus will appear now and again, and you must use the spray to get rid of it. Patients will also occasionally sneeze or cough onto the next beds, making others unhappy.

VIP patients require more attention from you. Some regular patients are more patient than others, so monitor their happiness meters and provide them with speedy service and entertainment if available. While working in the children's hospital you will also have to manage their parents coming in for a visit and take them to the right beds.

At the end of each level you are awarded some money that you can use to purchase upgrades. You can either upgrade the diagnosis process, your charisma, the healing speed and your walking speed. Every time you complete all ten levels of a stage and advance to the next, you get to play the research mini-game. Here, you have a series of viruses roaming around and you must place the right ones in the respective petri dishes.

Each hospital you go through introduces new cases. And the reason why I was instantly taken in by Fever Frenzy was because of the similarities with Theme Hospital. There are all kinds of weird diseases in this game, and they're just plain hilarious. Mad cow disease patients have turned into cows and they moo, horse throat victims have horse heads and they neigh, hay fever patients look like scarecrows and sneeze a lot, children with chicken pox cluck, it's just too funny to see.

Everyone has little bits of voice acting, which is great. You will hear actually coughing, sneezing, sighs of relief, "thank you doctor", kids crying, crazy laughing and a bunch of funny sayings, especially when you get to the psychiatric ward. That was by far my favorite stage, it really is crazy in there, from people thinking they're Napoleon, to others pretending to be Elvis and actually getting out of their beds trying to "leave the building".

I've been having a blast with Fever Frenzy, it's one of the few games that actually makes me laugh out loud. And I especially love the craziness of the diseases and how the artists have represented them. Review text part of Grrlgamer.com. Full text and screenshots at http://www.grrlgamer.com/review.php?g=feverfrenzy