Fun, but very, very generic.

User Rating: 6 | Ferrari GT: Evolution IOS
So I kind of got this game as an impulse buy, I wanted a cheap racing game and this one sounded good. And it is, but it is so dull that it kind of sucks the fun out of the game.
This game has exactly everything you need for a decent game, and not a tiny bit more. Its got fair graphics, decent controls, and a satisfying selection of races. But there is something about it that just makes it a lukewarm experience. Its definitely one of those games that isn't really bad, but it isn't good ether.

- Graphics are pretty good
- Long races that always keep things interesting
- Controls aren't much to complain about

- Controls at times are under sensitive
- One car
- Sloppy email calendar layout
- Races get repetitive
- Not only repetitive, but you will repeat the same race sometimes

Story: N/A

Sound: 5/10
Its bearable, but honestly, you won't get interested at all

Graphics: 8/10
They are good, nicely detailed. One of the better looking games for the iPhone

Difficulty: 5/10
Don't expect to get first place in many races

Controls: 6/10
Good, but with sharp turns, it takes some getting used to.

Presentation: 7/10
Not bad, but really generic, at least load screens take away from the genericness a bit

Gameplay: 7/10
Races tend to repeat, and there is nothing but straight up races, not much in the way of variety.

"Fun" Factor: 6/10
If you absolutely love racing games, then you will like this one, but if you don't, then don't expect this game to change your mind.

Should I get it?
Well at $2 its not a bad value, but its really hard to give a full hearted recommendation with a game that was so uninspired.