A short physics-based platformer with nothing memorable

User Rating: 3 | Feist PC


  • Very forgettable: no challenge, no story, no secrets, never enjoyable or interesting. The game is also very short (less than 2 hours for a first playthrough), but anything longer probably would have make it worse.
  • Too easy, even though trial and error can be frustrating at times (remember Limbo?). When feeling overwhelmed, the answer is to proceed slowly. The generous amount of checkpoints means you don’t get stuck for long. The beasts seem tough at first, but soon become a minor threat. Should you get too close to them, they throw you around like pushy mooks more often than they kick your butt.
  • The screen doesn’t show enough surroundings, and the camera definitely doesn’t help.


  • Elegant graphics, smooth animations, and clean sound effects.


  • In full screen mode with a low-end PC (GTX 630), the FPS drop below 60. And in windowed mode, the resolution, which can’t be changed, is pretty small (800x450).


  • Trying to customize the controls freezes the game.