While not a difficult fin to victory, Feeding Frenzy is more fun than swimming with the fishes should be.

User Rating: 8 | Feeding Frenzy X360
While Feeding Frenzy is one of the easier xbox games I have played, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The game gets by on a certain ineffable charm, and perhaps the only thing more surprising than how easily it can be "won" is the way it sucks you in, until you find yourself unable to put down the controller until you've progressed through every stage, swum with (and eaten) every kind of fish, and beaten down that Shark King.

The game has decent replay value in it's non-story continuous mode, but those looking for a big challenge should look elsewhere. For those times when you want a casual game that's a lot of fun but not a lot of stress, however (and believe me, after playing a lot of Moto GP sometimes it's nice to just hang out and chomp fish), reel in Feeding Frenzy for an enjoyable jaunt.