What's there to say? Eat fish and then eat some more...zzZZzz...

User Rating: 4.3 | Feeding Frenzy X360
I don't even have much to say about this game. It's $10 and may possibly perhaps kind of appeal to very young people or people who want to cool down and just play a game that takes little brain effort. Otherwise, it's probably not for you.

It's not "poke my eyes out and feed me to the sharks" bad. It's just boring. It takes less than an hour to get to that point, too. You just eat smaller fish and watch out for big ones until you eat enough smaller fish to be big enough to eat bigger fish. That continues...forever...

Granted, I might be missing some gameplay because I didn't play it for more than an hour, but I doubt I missed enough to put it up to "Not a Rip-off".

Good points: It sounds cool when you eat other fish. Decent, easygoing soundtrack that sets the mood. Decent graphics.

If you can get past the bad points, I suppose it could be worth a try. If you are a casual gamer that is not looking for any kind of challenge, thrill, or suspense in your games, this might be for you. If not, go for Geometry Wars or Marble Blast. Enjoy!