Not the Big D, but the Bigger Older R

User Rating: 9.1 | FATE PC
Not every dungeon-romp game is based on Diablo, as most game reviewers would have you believe. In the case of Fate, it's based more closely on Diablo's precursor, Rogue. Predating most game players by a decade, Rogue, a DOS ASCII based dungeon game (in various forms and by various names) was a start in town-, buy the equipment-, delve the dungeon-, train the pet-, reach the bottom-, kill the 'Foozel'- type game. And that is Fate in a nutshell. But if you dismiss Fate just based on that statement, your missing out on some mighty fine game playing. How many times have you played through D2? Come on fess up. And yet the game is almost the same every time. You need a new horizon. Branch out, live a little.

Fate shines with snappy graphics, solid game dynamics, tight controls, and a random dungeon generator with varying tilesets and various game objectives that go beyond just trying to get to the boss monster. Not a push over in time to complete, most dungeons will generate with more than 40 levels, and the lower level monsters are no spring breeze, but by the time you can get your character down there, he/she shouldn't be either. And that goes for your dog or cat too. Think the archer in Diablo that you wish would just go away. Only in Fate, your going to need that pet. With proper training, your Fido or Fefe, will be holding it's own against Liches and dragons. (That about kitty with attitude.) Unlike old Rogue, you can't hit your own pet. (Rogue: don't piss off your pet, or your in for a whole lot of pain ... your beginning character would be dog chow, if you hit your pet by mistake. Ouch!)

And as value goes, you get a lot of miles for your buck. Give it a try, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Happy romping.