Fatal Frame is one great PS2 survival horror game. It’s just not Silent Hill. Very good rated Teen survival horror game!

User Rating: 8.2 | Zero (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
Fatal Frame is one of the scariest games on the PS2. And to boot its T if you’re not allowed to play M games. Now for a Teen survival horror games it’s really good. I really enjoyed it. It’s really not as scary and number two but it’s got its jumpy moments. I liked that the whole entire game was in one house. And the thing that makes this game is that it was really based on a true story. Now when I saw this game cover I thought 1: Man that’s a scary looking box art. 2: Based on a true story probably just saying that to get more attention!
Now was I wrong about it not being a true story I did research on this house after I played this game and this whole game is true. The location of the house a brother really did get lost in there and a sister really went looking for her brother just like the game. Now this was a really great game. Great lighting, great gameplay all though it does seem at times like the controller is working against you at times. The sound was really scary at times while not the best sound in a game I’ve heard it did a really good job. Now how you killed the ghosts in this game was really different and I liked it. You killed them with a camera. I really thought that was creative. Now while this is not the best survival horror game it will have you wanting more. Now like I said before if you’re not allowed to play M games and you like survival horror games which are really rare to see a Teen survival horror game this one really polls it off! Now I spent 20 bucks on this game and you can go to http://fatalframe.com and buy it there for 20 bucks. It’s a very hard game to find in stores. You might wanna check the used section at Hollywood video that’s where I got my copy. So in the end this was a Teen survival horror game pulled off well.