Fatal Frame really defines the true meaning of fear

User Rating: 8.2 | Zero (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
When you first look at Fatal Frame you thought this is just another Silent Hill or Resident Evil game but this is very different from those two. Created by Tecmo in 2002, Fatal Frame is yes a survival horror game but has its own unique elements that makes the game different from others.

Fatal Frame follows the story of Miku Hinasaki who goes to the Himura Mansion to look for his older brother Mafuyu who apparently went missing on that mansion after investigating the dissapearance of a certain person. The Himuro mansion has a dark and bloody history so it wont be a field trip or a walk in a park. You play as Mafuyu during the opening intro of the game but only for a short period of time but during the whole game you will play as Miku. As you play and explore through the game, Miku will discover even more gruesome details about the mansion's haunted history. Evil cults, restless spirits and even bloody murders surrounds this mansion's past. The game itself is very long so players will surely have enough time for a very scary experience.

There are some elements that are different from other survival horror game that makes this game unique. One of them is the ability to capture a ghost by using your weapon which is a camera named Obscura. This is your main weapon on the game and with this you will be able to capture and fight those restless spirits. You can upgrade your camera to make it even more powerfull by collecting points from the deafeted spirits. Other than that its just a typical survival elements. You can find healing items such as herbal medicines and sacred waters to restore your health just in case you got in trouble with some spirits. You also solve puzzles here in order to trigger a scene or to get a key item. The puzzles here are merely simple but sometimes it gets tricky if you dont know what you are doing. And also there are the die hard boss battles that will test your use of the camera Obscura.

The graphics of the game is really supperb. Tecmo did a very good job and it pay very way. The character design is also excellent. i love the way they created Miku, it really defines from her expression the true meaning of fear. The stage is very large as well. You can spend an hour by just exploring the mansion from the start without going through the main game. i must say the graphics of the game is one of the best i have seen. The sound too is very good. The scary music really gives life to the game and it fits perfectly on some situations.

With a very scary but interesting story line Fatal Frame is definitely one of the best horror game ever created. If your into this kind of experience then this game is for you.