Before playing I tought : This game should be underated. After playing it for some hours : Definitely Overrated.

User Rating: 5 | Fatal Frame XBOX
I got this game, wainting for some great horror survival, because I heard so much about it, and always saying how scare and great this game is. I even got the Xbox version that gots a better grade than the PS2 one. But was just disapointing.
The game is not even a bit scary, and not so good. The history is kind of superficial (sorry, it is) and it uses too much some horror elements and that is just... so repetitive.
The game looks pretty its for sure, but the puzzles, the story, the horror... It don't worth, it just don't worth.
I don't know how to compare this to other title, because its different from other survivals. It seems to always be trying to delivery horror, to make me scary. It is rated 18+, but would scare just 10 years old kids... For them? Worth a while... if they parents allow.