The best horror game ever created.

User Rating: 10 | Zero (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
This first installment in the Fatal Frame series (Project Zero in the Netherlands) is the game that got me playing the series every now and then. Every few months I get the need to play one of the 3 installments of the Fatal Frame. Until now, I must have played them over three times, each of the Fatal Frame series. FF3 even more I think. The game on itself had an revolutionary impact on me. Finally, I thought, someone actually is really loving and caring about tense and creepy atmosphere in a game and has successfully blended a recipe for horror or the macabre.
As in horror movies, I love when the director creates a code and stays loyal to that code. So if that code is ghosts and hauntings, don't bring me something else that totally contradicts the tension or that code. In this, the creators of the FF series have succeeded amazingly, in my opinion.
When I play the games I play with the sound connected to the surround system. This experience has no comparison with the traditional stereo sound game play. I often would turn around in real life instead in the game. :) As I have written in the review of FF3; try to play the game not during daytime but at night, alone and just 1 candle burning (and preferably in surround sound - pro logic whatever), then I would like to hear your comment.
The components of the game; ghosts, hauntings, rituals, exorcisms by photo camera, make this game genuinely creepy to play. Also (again) I like to compliment the creators for creating a female main character. This created code makes me care more for the character, not only because of that, but also how the story is brought of course. Further, I love the simple haunting score that, yes, is repetitive, but oh so effective. I just love the Japanese overall feel of every aspect or element of the game.
If you would ask me, I would say the Fatal Frame series are the best long lasting horror / suspense experience I ever had in my entire life. And believe me I have played a lot of them. FF has the power, when you play it hours in a row, to provide good scares (even if I really ain't the type that is scared easily), and creepy atmosphere which I miss in many so called horror games. And yes, I do hope they will continue the legacy of FF, because no other game has produced this level of creepiness when fighting ghosts equipped only with your camera. That's the reason I rated this game with a 10 and if I had to describe it in 1 word, than that would be; revolutionary.