Scares the pants off of me!

User Rating: 8.5 | Fatal Frame XBOX
Wow, I haven't screamed like a little school girl in a while. Let alone at a game! I must say that this game is of scare tatics in it, and it's done correctly. The game is a moshpod of great horror movies like The Ring and The Grudge. Fatal Frame also borrows from great survival horror games such as Silent Hill and Resident Evil.

The graphics are top notch, particularly the characters and the ghosts. The lighting and the shadows are fantastic, it provides a scary atmosphere that will make you eeck! The controls need some tweaking, they aren't the best of the genre, but it's better then the earlier Resident Evil games and Silent Hill games. They unfortunatly reset themselves when ever you walk into a new room. The fighting controls are a bit slow as well. But it adds more to the horror of the game. The music and the sound effects are spine tingleing. The add to the terror of the game. Basically you are sent to a haunted mansion that has taken you brother hostage. It's your job to find him and then find out what's going on in the house. It's a pretty basic idea. If you've seen a ghost movie then you will understand this plot.