This game Project Zero 2 is a great game and very scary which makes it worth the money

User Rating: 9 | Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly PS2
Project Zero 2: Crimson Butterfly also known as Fatal Frame 2 this is a really great game better then Project Zero 1. This one takes a new story with 2 twins called Mio and Mayu. This game all starts off in a forest and then leads to a house along the way are ghost and what you have to kill them with is a camera. The idea of using a camera is pretty cool can be tricky though as sometimes you cant really see where they have got to.
This game i really found scary worse then any horror movie it has parts where a ghost will just come up on you at any time which is way i love about this. The whole graphics to this seem great making the places look good and scary. If you enjoyed Silent Hill from the psone your going to enjoy this its worth checking out. The story the parts that scare you add more value and just makes you want to play even more.