Horrifying, heart stopping, incredible. THE perfect horror game!!!

User Rating: 10 | Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly PS2
Horrific only begins to explain what Fatal Frame 2 is. This game is the corner stone to what all horror games should be like!

I won't get much into plot, for every detail is important, but I will give a brief background. You and your sister find yourselves trapped inside of a village that is forever caught in a loop, repeating the same day over and over again. Using a camera, yes I said a camera, as your only weapon you have to battle against ghosts that sound as horrifying as they look.

I am usually very skeptical on games, until now I've never given a game a 10, but this game is THY perfect horror game. I swear that while I played it my heart never stopped racing. What with ghosts appearing all around you, whispering about unspeakable horrors and torture that stretches beyond the grave, one can hardly play the game without breaking out into a sweat. The game mixes clever environments with bone chilling sounds to have you on the edge of your seat. (and nearly fall off of it when something happens.)

If you have the stomach for it and love horror you MUST play Fatal Frame 2. It doesn't get any better!