"Feed Me Cake!!!"

User Rating: 9 | Fat Princess PS3
Fat Princess is a third person multi-player only PSN game created by SCEA's Titan Studios. In this new take on the classic capture the flag formula, two teams (blue vs. red) try to rescue their respective princesses from the other team's castle while stuffing the captured princess with loads of cake. Feeding her cake makes it a much more difficult task to rescue the princess as she adds extra weight to her hips and makes for a fun experience of trying to save your 400+ pound princess from the clutches of the opposing team. This added dynamic helps to give the game it's own style and personality. The unpredictable and inherently silly cartoon style battles do a fine job of mixing humor with strategy, creating an often hilarious experience as you strive to become the dwarf in shining armor for an overweight damsel in distress.

You can customize your personal character which always is a plus in any online multi player game. There are five classes to choose from that have two sets of abilities or weapons once upgraded. The warrior has a sword and shield initially at their disposal but then have access to a spear and a dashing attack. The worker (who gathers your resources and upgrades the classes) has access to an axe as well as miniature bombs one upgraded. The mage can cast fire spells initially and thereafter ice spells that slow the opposition down to a crawl. The priest heals teammates but then unlocks a powerful life draining spell that reduces the enemy's life to half a heart. The ranger starts off with arrows that can be lit on fire but then upgrades to a slow yet powerful shotgun. All classes are useful in their own respects and winning teams make use of them when needed.

You can also use the raw materials to build siege weapons as the worker. On designated parts of the map, you can erect ladders, trampolines, and bridges, which make it much easier to traverse the land and break into the other team's castle. You need to build castle doors as well, so that the other team doesn't just waltz right into your home. In some maps, you can build a catapult within your castle, allowing you to travel all the way to the other team's base in one quick shot. Of course, all your hard work can be exploited by the other team as well. There is nothing worse than seeing your opponents take off with your prisoner in the catapult you spent so much time making. The siege weapons help keep Fat Princess fast and unpredictable because you're never quite sure where the attacks are going to come from next.

There are nine maps total in Fat Princess in which some are better than others. Most are loaded with secret passages and catapults and force you to keep a watchful eye out for enemies sneaking into your base undetected. There doesn't appear to be a time limit for matches resulting in 30+ minute battles. This can be great for trophy hunting scenarios and in general if you love the game, but sometimes it can be bitter sweet if you invest this much time into a single match to fall short at the very end because you get caught up in a overall meaningless mini battle for an insignificant tower in the corner of the map...but I digress.

Overall, Fat Princess delivers in all areas for any fan of classic capture the flag games. It is a must own as you will lose countless hours feeding the princess loads of cake or fighting to become the grim reaper or oversized chicken at the conclusion of each match. I still have an issue with purchasing PSN titles for $15+ but Fat Princess has given me more than my money's worth and will do for any PS3 owner.

Final Score: 8.9