Fat Princess is one of the best PSN games to date!

User Rating: 8.5 | Fat Princess PS3
I am sure that everyone has seen this game before, it was one of the biggest PS3 games at E3 2008 and it is finally here!

Graphics -

Very cartoony graphics that have a great art style to them. The blood and gore adds to the graphics to make them fun and wacky!


Gameplay -

Very fun and addictive. There is a total of 6 classes to play that are very different, can be upgraded and are all totally different!

Villager - Can run fast and slap out peoples weapons.

Solider - A melee class that uses a sword and shield.

Mage - Uses his staff to burn people and when upgraded can freeze people.

Priest - The healer of the game and when upgraded can suck out peoples life.

Ranger - A ranged class that uses bow and arrows and when upgraded a shotgun.

Worker - Can build various things and upgrade classes.

The overall game is great but matchmaking is slow.

I recommend checking this great PSN title out!
