Simple Pleasure...

User Rating: 7.6 | FastCrawl PC
In a time when a game isn't even considered as a contender unless shaded pixels explode off the screen into your lap. It is nice to see a game that is simple in design, yet has enough depth to peak the interest of a quasi hardcore gamer. There is a certain pleasure to small productivity killer games. While this game has a lot more going on than a frog spitting colored balls. It still manages not to explode any brain cells while delivering a spirited trip down fantasy lane. The games can be made short, and are perfect for anyone who doesn’t like developing bed sores on their backside in order to get knee deep in a good ole dungeon crawler. It even comes with a windowed option for quick minimization when playing in a potentially precarious enviorment. Play this game for the fun of it, and I think you’ll find it a decent bang for twenty bucks.