This game appears to have great potential at first glance, but monotonous, pointless gameplay ultimately ruins it.

User Rating: 5 | Farming Simulator 2011 PC
For fans of the original Farming Simulator, the latest version of this game offers improved graphics and a much larger game map--both features that the development team has done well to implement. Unfortunately, the actual gameplay is just as monotonous and pointless as ever.

There are two fundamental problems with this game. First, you are limited to four crops: wheat, barley, rapeseed, and corn. To grow these crops, you follow an identical pattern: plow a field, plant your seeds, fertilize your plants, and harvest your crop. The fact that each crop is grown in the exact same way is not merely unrealistic, it's monotonous. In a game where making money is the only discernible "objective," it follows that you should only grow the most profitable crop. It is quite literally a waste of time to grow lower-income crops in this game, especially when they require just as much work as the higher-income crops. This game would be much better if the crops required different farming techniques. Literally the only differences in the game's crops are their physical appearance in the field and their sale price at market.

This leads us to the second fundamental problem with the game: the object of the game, making money, is far too simplistic. With the income that you gain from harvesting crops or selling milk at your dairy farm, you can purchase new tractors and equipment for the farm operation. Unfortunately, you cannot purchase any real property, such as farmland--in essence, you automatically and permanently "own" every acre of land in the game. While land ownership is the ultimate goal of millions of farmers around the world, in this game it is literally impossible to purchase or sell farm land.