Fun, colorful, and strategically sound. Note: No skirmish mode; lack of polish.

User Rating: 7.5 | Far Gate PC
I agree with the previous reader review. This game, though lacking polish, has a wide variety of fun to use units, balanced gameplay, and an interesting premise. Though old, it still has some pretty visuals. Highly recommended.

It has a relativly long campaign, and some pretty backgrounds and a sound presentation.

Visuals are easy to look at. The game features 3 fully realized races, which is a real plus here. Each one plays noticeably different from the other, as well as having a different art scheme and general philosophy. The units are fun to use, functional, and have interesting qualities.

The multiplayer is functional at best. Don't expect any complex multiplayer game types here; as it seems to be designed mostly as a single player expierience. The multiplayer does play well though, and offers a medium paced game.

The space looks really nice in this game. For a game of 2001, the celestial spheres and planets still look pretty, and nice colorful effects add to the fun.

Controls will take around an hour to get fully used to. Once past that hour, you can expect decent and effective control of your units and bases.

Since this game is most likely not in production, its a good idea to download it wherever you can.