An awesome game that raised the bars for 1st person shooters.

User Rating: 9.4 | Far Cry PC
This game was just plain awesome! The semi open world environments did make you feel like you could approach an enemy full area in any way you wanted.
The weapons seemed to function and perform just right. Each feeling very distinct as should be. All game characters were beautifully animated and the rag doll effects made the game feel just perfect after kill something in game. Literally made every kill fell different and more realistic.
This game is also the game that made it hard for me to play games that are corridor based like the Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, and any other game the puts you a one way track. Don't get me wrong, those are awesome games, but they make me feel… Restricted.
The graphics were top notch at the time and would even keep up today in 2009 in my opinion.
This game is a must own for any fan of 1st person shooters!