Awesome multiplayer map maker. Rubbish Aiming. Nice cartoony graphics. Nice Crysis esk variety of taking down enemies.

User Rating: 6 | Far Cry Instincts Predator X360
What's Good:
Tonne of content: Basically 2 original XBOX games stuck in here with *slightly* enhanced graphics. (The texture detail and post effects are low, but it seems to be one of the rare 360 games which actually outputs to 1080p resolution (normal games just stretch a 720p image) Plus good view distance). Plus an extra chapter too unlock and ACHIEVEMENTS (ha ha big deal but still it's like playing xbox 1 games with achievements which I like)

Lots of Xbox live match stuff, seems like not much lag and lots of players at once (they are old graphics)

A very good mapmaker with much more available space than the Xbox versions, and you can play with your maps muliplayer offline and online. And it's really fun making a map for you friends because of all the uniqueness, stratagy and comedy you can bring in to them. Or creativity, like making a map where you all start on a big cliff with hand gliders and have to race or with vehicles, you get the idea.

Big jungle sprawling game

Cool feral powers like superjump and bigass whack, night vision, super speed

All that great far cry suspense and tactics of hiding and whatnot

Lots of vehicles and space to use them

What Sucks:
Basically Xbox 1 graphics, although they are enhanced and clearer and do look kinda nice and cartoony, I like the water

Aiming. It sucks almost to a game breaking level of suckiness. Really I don't know why they didn't just copy Halo's smooth aiming. The aim goes from unresponsive, to too slow to too fast as you move the stick., changing the sensitivity didn't fix this, it's needs to gradually change. It feels like they just cut and pasted the xbox one aiming and its not calibrated for the 360 controller properly. They then have seemed to try and compensate by having an 'aiming helper' option on by default, which makes you feel like you are not even the one holding the gun...

No third person perspective for vehicles. I know FC2 did this as well and yes I know maybe they were going for 'realism'. But I just find it really annoying as you really need the 'birds eye' perspective to plot your course when you are moving fast. Otherwise you just end up crashing into trees which isn't fun

Sound is kinda messed up, seems like something went wrong converting it from Xbox, like stereo channel sometimes not working, or some sound files sounding really tinny and crap.