Main plot kept interrupting my fun

User Rating: 7 | Far Cry 5 PC

I keep coming back to Far Cry series for one reason mostly: big, open worlds and freedom to explore it the way I want it. Far Cry 5 still has plenty of that but the main story was made into major nuisance in many ways. Right from the start of the game I had one main plot character appearing from nowhere and talking to me. I guess the point was to build an atmosphere but it failed at that, it felt more like nagging. And since she was able to just appear from thin air, is Far Cry 5 going supernatural now? Is my character hallucinating? To be honest I didn't really care which one it was, I tried to ignore it as much as possible. Not that you can easily: each task you complete gives you number of points and if you get sufficient number of them the game throws you into main quest mission, regardless of what you were doing and not caring if you want to or not. Speaking of distracting things, it would also help not to be attacked by wildlife in the beginning of the game with frequency large enough to be annoying.

On the bright side there are still many elements that made FC series great: boats, vehicles to ride, planes and helicopters to fly and being able to cause mayhem with all of them. Fishing was also interesting mini-game that was fun to do, provided that you were left alone for few seconds and were not attacked by bear.

To sum up, I wold give the game minus main story 9 out of 10. The main story 5 out of 10. The last "boss" fight was one of the lamest I ever had. Note to Far Cry creators: you are great at big open worlds and fighting, so please stick to that. As far as telling a story I'd like to follow, you just don't have it.