One Insane Game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 3 X360
Insanity. What do you do when you're lost in an island in the pacific? Surrounded by pirates and tigers and savage jungle warriors? The protagonist, Jason Brody, decides to take matter into his own hands, save his friends, and head home as soon as possible, yet surviving in the jungles of Rook Island is no cakewalk.

The story is simply amazing. From beginning to end, you watch as the protagonist, Jason, descents into madness as he struggles to survive in the jungle and save his friends, losing his humanity bit by bit as he drenches his hands in the blood of any pirate who walks by. As you progress deeper through the story, you see how twisted people can be, and without a doubt, you will question your own sanity as you take matters into your own hands. As for what makes the story truly deliver, its the character cast. You literally feel Jason's flaws as you play, just like any human being, and you can feel the emotions of his friends trough spectacular voice acting. One of the characters ,however, stands above the rest.One of the antagonists, Vaas, the pirate leader, is one of the best i've seen. His unpredictable personality makes for a great character, one moment he's all calm and intimidating, the next he is literally flippin' tables and cursing. Its this unpredictability which makes him for a great character, as you dont know what the heck he's gonna do next. Hell, just wait until you hear his insanity monologue!

The game's free roam style and fps combination is awesome. You can either do your main missions or help the natives by hunting or by reclaiming an outpost back from the pirates, and you choose your approach to each of these, whether you go silently like a ninja, or chucking C4,s and molotovs to your hearts content. The game also has a bit of rpg element, as you gain points for new useful skills, oh and each time you buy a new skill, you get a slick new tatoo on your arm! Neato! There are also a ton of collectibles to find such as relics and drug recipes, which provide entertaining info once you get them. The game also has a bit of a humorous side, with funny diary entries, and possible scenarios due to the game's sandbox style and your vast array of fire-power and the local wildlife and natives for you to test those new flamethrowers on...hmmm reminds of a certain game, but I cant quite put my finger on it...

As for the multiplayer, its pretty decent, with your own map builder and level progression as well. You also get daily challenges and certain cool unlocks such as weapon cameos or different executions, because when filling an opponent full of lead just isn't enough, you can use their AK-47's as a golf club. Also for those who would prefer a less violent competitive match, you can always race in a friendly competition. Sadly, co-op mode doesn't stand out much at all, mainly because the story isn't as deep or interesting as single-player, and the missions get boring quickly. Also, you cant choose the chapter you wish to play, so playing that certain mission you need to unlock your last achievement can be pretty frustrating, as the game chooses the chapter for you, and let's just say you'll be dropping in and out of the match hoping to get that desired mission. However, the characters kinda make up for this, as they are usually a bit funny

I usually dont play many fps games, since some of them are very repetitive (you know the one), but there is no denying that the fps genre is one of the most successful in the video game market, and its games like Far Cry 3 that can truly prove what a fps game can do when its done right, and dudes and dudettes, trust me, its wonderful.

So, to sum it all up:

The Goodies:
+ excellent story and characters, with perhaps one of the best villains in video game history
+beautiful graphics and good combination of fps, free roam and a little rpg
+ entertaining side quests and activities such as outposts and hunting
+the little bit of humor present gives off a good chuckle in the middle of the games dark story

The Baddies:
-Co-op is not as entertaining and choosing chapters is a pain

*Fun fact: the game is similar to Alice in Wonderland in many ways, such as having similar scenarios to Alice's wacky story and even quotes from the very book itself! Be on the lookout for these comparisons!