Fun for 5-10 hours then I couldn't stand it any more... too boring. Deleted.

User Rating: 6 | Far Cry 3 PC
Amazing looking game/world. Cool vehicles, maps and weapons. Very cool and fun for about 5-7 hours then it becomes VERY BORING. Stupid perk system. Stupid weapon upgrade system. Stupid AI. Stupid in-game dialog. Stupid characters that said things throughout the game that made no sense at all. This game is very juvenile - no substance. Plot was bad actually, quite horrendous. Character dialogue relys on over-the-top yelling and swearing instead of good writing. I'd rather play Skyrim through for the 4th time than play this. Deleted it from HDD after 10 hours.

Screw all you game reviewers that gave this game a 9/10.... I felt robbed and wished I'd trusted my gut when I felt this game was way overrated, well it was and I hope I can save someone the money and time which will probably be wasted playing this game.


- been gaming since '96