Really fun game which reminds me of the Blood Diamond movie :)

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 2 PC
Far Cry 2 is a game packed with great graphics, physics, many weapons, dynamic environments and it just goes on and on. The voice acting of some of languages was done in Afrikaans which is pretty cool since my first language is Afrikaans (originated mainly from the Dutch language). The character animations and AI is fluent, accurate and smart. There is just one thing they did wrong with this game. Now what did they do wrong? They gave it the wrong name off course. It does have some of the elements Far Cry 1 used to have, but they missed the story line. Yes it's in Africa, but it must be somewhere in central Africa since I have never seen it this way. I know about the blood diamonds, Children soldiers and well all the havoc going on, but since I live in South Africa, I have never seen the war or the children soldiers. To tell the truth I only first heard of it all when I first saw the Blood Diamond movie.

Even though I do live in Africa it seems to me all the African countries are depended excluding Namibia and South Africa. South Africa being the most advanced country in all of Africa off course.

Any way lets talk about the game. The game starts with you the foreigner placed somewhere in the middle of some African country. Very shortly after starting the game you become sick with an illness caused by Mosquitoes namely known as malaria. After not too long you wake up in a hotel where you meet the Jackal "The so called guy you are chasing in the game", however at the same time he is chasing you too. It is something you barely even take note of during the length of the game, because of the large maps, in between missions and non linear game-play.

Everything in this game is done your way :) . You have the freedom to take on guys like Rambo with a heavy machine gun, or if you want you can plan your next move using silenced weapons. All you have to do is to just wait for the sun to set and pop the bad guys one at a time in the head. There are so many different ways to take on the missions. If you are not patient for certain times of the day to arrive, just go to one of your unlocked safe houses and take a nap. This will Speed up the time of the day or night.

I only wish my Friends could join me in the campaign :/ . This will include me the driver, my bro for example as the gunner and well more players for support would be great fun. It will also feel less lonely if your friends could join. Regarding the fact that I am a huge fan of online gaming, but I play alone with no support whatsoever. Everything is done by you. The driving, gunning, exploring and well you get the picture. I am so used to being around real players. Unfortunately the game does not have that functionality :( . First to fight is a great example of a game which you and your buddies can take part in to complete the campaign.

Now that I mentioned online gaming I tried the multiplayer, but it is impossible to get connected. They do mention the problem when I Google it, but even when I try fixing the problem accordingly it just refuses. This was the main function of the game I was looking forward to. It just refuses me to get connect to servers for some stupid reason. The message reads "Failed to find a suitable match". Multiplayer has always been Ubisofts weakness which I believe they should start considering to resolve. They have what I call the best games in the world, but it is so complicated to get connected to the servers.

There are few elements in this game that is interesting, for example the diamonds you find with the use of the GPS to buy weapons and the character personalities. Sometimes they take a smoke break, drink a beer or even urinate: LOL: In some parts you will find hidden golden AK 47's and the known hand glider which was also available in Far Cry 1. The further you progress through the game the more you are exposed to these interesting hidden places and pretty cool villages where the buildings are made from mud. This is definitely a game you will be able to play with fire, since fire play a vital role in this game. With the use of flame throwers you can take advantage of the environment, but be aware that it only really works well in the dryer areas. "Yes, basically everything can burn, especially in the dry areas". Grass and trees will not only burn, but the fire literally spreads wildly causing damages to everything in its path. I won't go too much into detail since I believe everyone should try the game for themselves.

One more thing I should mention is that the game comes with a in game mission editor. My opinion is I prefer it when games come with game engines like Unreal tournament, but still it is a really cool features if you quickly want to create your own multiplayer levels/ maps. However that is only if you are able to get the multiplayer to work.

Beware though; the game is intended for people that have time on their hands. You won't finish the game in one afternoon or even in 1 week if you intend to try every aspect of the game. You will find that some areas are very swamp like and other areas are dry and desert. Unlike Arma you will find AI characters throughout the game. There will always people in the game in basically every village, town or road. In some cases you will find yourself being chased by a mounted machine gun Jeep, etc.

There is one more thing, after completing the game I had no Idea what was going on. The ending made no sense at all. So please anyone drop me a message and please explain what happened and why it happened.

Overall the game should get 94:
Graphics: 10
Sound: 9
Game-play: 8.5
Value: 10