Unfinished, boring, everything is instanced and laggy. Best thing about FeZ...its free to play.

User Rating: 4.5 | Fantasy Earth Zero PC
I had some high expectations since it was developed by Squenix, however sadly this pile of poo is pretty much something I would have expected from a two bit company rather than a great well known renowned developer. I guess that is why FeZ bombed hard in the Japanese markets.

First off, grindfest ~ unless you want to constantly PvP, which for this carebear, I'm not into PvP these days so doing the PvE content was the draw for me which sadly is extremely lacking, questing is a royal pain the rear since you have zero, repeat zero quest help ~ no NPCs have markers indicating they have quests for you, or to finish, very little help on the quests except for your quest log which gives vague information at best.

PvP is pretty much the only reason to play FeZ, and honestly the only thing keeping it alive since the PvP system employs a unique strategy based system using buildings and summons, and even low levels can be useful in battles. The PvP aspect of this game definately deserves props in that respect so PvP junkies looking for a new game, should perhaps give FeZ a look, just don't expect PK because this game has none because everything is instanced.

The big draw was the skill based systems, however that is not entirely the true, it is more based on Tic-Tac-Toe system, Warriors beat scouts, scouts beat Sorcerers and Sorcerers beat Warriors, and lag beats everyone. One of the things that really ticked me off was the extreme lack of healing in the game, basically...there really isn't any except for potions which are expensive, the better potions are cash shop items! /rolleyes and since your going to get hit...often most of the money goes on...potions unless you get high enough level to start farming food items.

Graphics are pretty basic, even archaic in some respects ~ quite low detail and pixelated in places.