Another example of a bad movie being made into a bad game.

User Rating: 3.7 | Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer PS2
Let me start by saying...if you really must play this,please,just rent it. The thought of anyone speanding their hard earned money on this makes me cringe. The game play is identical to X-men Legends. 4 characters on screen,switch with the D pad to become a different character. X-men Legends was alot of fun,this however suffers from cheap A.I and lots of bugs. You basically do the same thing through the entire game.....defeat wave upon wave of enemies to unlock a door,go through the door,and repeat the process. The are some super cheap bosses to fight as well. When on of your on screen characters is defeated,they'll disapear for a while,then simply respawn. Checkpoints are so far apart that if you die,you'll go back to the last cheak point and have to replay as much as 30 mins of what was just lost. Oh,epect some bugs as well. Several times,i would get stuck in a wall,and have to change charcters just be continue. Graphics are really bad as well.