I really cant believe i bought this game...

User Rating: 2.7 | Fantastic 4 GC
This game is truly horrible and i still cant believe i bought this game....i dont know maybe i really wanted to see the movie but i couldnt cause i went to alabama or i bought to get psyched up for the movie or something but really i wish i could go back in time, get the money i spent on this thing and put it in my Wii fund.

The gameplay in this game is really bad and boring...very boring. It's unbelievable how many glitches are in this game....man im suprised they didnt come out and bite me. I mean you'll be doing some super cool attack or something and you know when you do a really strong attack you'll see that flash of light appear on there fist or foot what ever there doing well that thing will just stay there...you can run around in circles and it'll still be on your hand....but that's just a minor glitch sometimes your playing and the game just stops.....right there....and you'll have to reset and start all over...trust me it happened to me twice. this game also has different difficulty levels and basically there all the same i beat the on hard better than when i beat it on easy. The graphics are far from great...there not even good, sound is bad, and i dont think i'll ever play it again but the only good thing in this game was the Doom boss fight that was actually pretty fun. But anyways if for some strange reason you're thinking about getting this game i suggest you rent it, play it to see how bad it is and return to the place you rented it from and say the game didnt work.....just to get your money back.