Video game based on blockbuster movie falls a tad short of expectations.

User Rating: 8 | Fantastic 4 PS2

Video game based on blockbuster movie falls a tad short of expectations.
If you enjoy playing movie based video games you will enjoy this title. It isn't really a bad game, it just isn't great. If you are looking for a good movie to video game presentation then go with Batman Begins or King Kong. If you are a big FF4 fan then go with the title otherwise wait till you find it for under $20 bucks in the bargain bin or rent it.

Graphics: Overall not bad, however the characters get lost in the environment somewhat easily.

Gameplay: No lag, that is the positive part. You can unlock different powers and combos as well as other character updates as the game progresses. You can also alternate whom you are controlling in the game like you can in the X-Men legends games.

Sound: Clarity is what you would expect, the soundtrack is not bad.

Value: To me it wasn't worth the $49.99 that it debuted at, however now you can find it in a ton of bargain bin racks or rental. It is definitely worth owning and does have decent replay value. It is a decent movie licensed game, expect that only and you will have fun with this game.