The graphics are not well done, the sound isnt too good. The game feels like a incredibly bad version of X-men legends.

User Rating: 6.2 | Fantastic 4 XBOX
All though everyone is hyped about the movie, fantastic 4 just cant quite be classified as a good video game. Instead, it is a ruggedy, bad version of X-men legends, and it doesnt work at all. Graphics Not done well. I guess you can say the background is good, but the chracter models are not as great, even when they dont look like thier movie counter-parts. The game is also a little choppy, or a sort of chunky thing with the chracters(fingers are stuck together, or hair is one big chunk. Gameplay Again, a ripped version of X-men. Even though it does have the same type of gameplay, the diffrence is, in X-men, it works well, here, it doesnt. X-men gives you a reason to upgrade chracters, provides fun and innovative experiences. But in this game, you stay with 4 chracters, and it isnt intresting or as fun as X-men, although games based on movies are never usually good right? Sound Can be good at times, but not quite all the time. Actually, alot more worse than good. The music is just aNNOYING! and it repeats over, and over, and over again. Value Its not worth the price. A short game, with nearly no extra feautres or other things to find, and there really is no reason to play the game over again. Controls There fine, but annoying and inggnorant. Sometimes button moves are placed in odd places, and when your trying to jump some where, the button reacts late. They can work for you, but they can also be very irratating. Overall In the end, fantastic four is not a horrible game, its just that it is plain, and simple, with little fun to be had. And nothing in the game is remarkably good. If your looking for a game like this, there are many more on the shelves that work alot better, including X-men legends. There is no need to settle for this game.