If all else fails Family Guy The Video Game is a well recieved game for true fans looking for some extras to laugh at.

User Rating: 6.7 | Family Guy PSP
If in coming at this game with not so high expectations and a knowledgeble mind state of the Family Guy world you'll find some very interesting things in this game. Not to say this is an all around great game but for fans of the series, and when I say fans I mean that as you've seen every episode multiple times not just your ordinary viewer. You'll find some great memories and new memories to be made from this game. For the average gamer thats just looking for a game that has multiple variations in gameplay stay away from this one. There isnt truly that much wrong with this game, its just nothing that special to keep you playing unless your a fan of the show.

The visuals in the game just barely come up to about a standard for the early levels of the playstation 2. Nothing breathtaking or mindblowing to look at. You'll basically look at things once and never take the time to look again. The cell shaded graphics add a nice touch to bring some comparison to the show and the game but when viewing as just a game dont get your hopes up.

You play as 3 main characters, Stewie, Brian and of course Peter. They all have their own individual characterstics which vary throughout the game. When looking at how much they vary dont expect anything more than a few added voice overs that flow along with the setting. You'll come across items in the game that were in the show but nothing usable, just there for visual comedy. Peter is basically your average beat em up game. Run around and beat up the characters on screen with a small amount of story thrown in. Stewie is just your platfrom shooter, lock on feature with some weapon upgrades thrown in. Brian is your stealth character that has some unique disguises to keep him from visiblity but other than that all he can do is walk and crawl.

I would have to say the best part about the games is the quick mini games that make reference to the show that take about 10 seconds to complete. Some serve no puprose at all but just to be funny and add a little upgrade. Although they are still fun in the same. Plus you can go and play these games at your leisure from the title screen.

The sound is what makes this game funny. The jokes and references to the show can be quite comedic at times. With the actual voices from the show it brings the life to the game.

This game is worth nothing more than a rentel from gamefly. If your a die hard fan of the show I would recommend a quick rental of the game but if not just let this one pass.