I wouldn't buy a steaming pile of crap (Broken Steel) and forced to eat it after (Point Lookout). Would you?

User Rating: 4.5 | Fallout 3 Game Add-On Pack: Broken Steel and Point Lookout X360
I really don't want to review this, but I have to. I can't let people buy this. The only purpose of this disc to be existing is that you can finish the game properly and see every negative Fallout 3 has.

I'm going to begin this review with Broken Steel without out pulling a James Rolfe on you guys. Let me begin by saying; THIS DLC IS BAD. "Expanding the story" my ass! The only thing Bethesda is expanding is your Gamestop bill. Don't get me wrong when I say this, because Fallout 3 is a great game and one of the best RPGs I have ever played, but this brings out the worst possible things about it. I thought the original story was stupid and unoriginal, and they continued the uninspiring and ridiculously idiotic written story! Isn't that great! ....Not really. There wasn't one moment I had fun or was interested in this DLC except for the loading screens. The missions are so obvious and annoying. You feel like you want to go give Bethesda a right-handed slap to the face and force them to re-do everything over again. Honestly, I think Liberty Prime is hands-down the most stupid looking thing I've ever seen. He's ridiculous! He's a giant robot with laser eyes. ISN'T THAT AWESOME!??! ...Not really. Come on Bethesda, we're not 7. We want cool blood splatters and brutal, gratuitous and gruesome violence. We don't want the f***ing Iron Giant blowing up stupid Smoke-from-Mortal-Kombat-looking Enclave soldiers. Words cannot express my hatred towards Broken Steel. The only pluses about this expansion is that you can level to 30 now, and no one is forcing you to play through Broken Steel, unless you want your companions back. Yeah, that's right, you can't use companions for this one. Bye-bye Charon! See you after I beat this putrid piece of content that I bought but shouldn't have and should of saved my money for Halo: ODST! I don't want to get in detail of this 4-hour campaign. I just don't have the words for it. I give this a 1 out of 5.

As for Point Lookout, there isn't much I can say. Most people told me that this was the best of all the Fallout 3 DLC. May I add quickly, it's definatly NOT the best DLC in any way, I don't even know why those people say it is. Most of the content is different and unique, some being better then others. For example, in Operation: Anchorage, you fight Chinese Communists. In Mothership Zeta you fight aliens, etc etc. But in this campaign, you fight a weird cult and inbred idiots. Did you see the movie Deliverance? Yeah, they look like that. I'm sure after you realize how fail they are, YOU GUN' BE SQUEELIN' LIKE A PIG! REEEEIIII!!! Without getting to in-detail of the story so I don't spoil it for you, you arrive in Point Lookout, Maryland. Being promised random "treasures" and "rewards", and at the same time you have to look for a mother's daughter that ran away from home (not cliched are anything, sheesh). When you first gaze at Point Lookout, you notice right away that it's foggy, dull, and gray. Yeah, real exciting. I don't know about you but I got tired of The Wasteland, I pictured it to be maybe, slightly more colorful and less boring, but that's me. It's obviously a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and it's supposed to be that way. I understand, but still, too much gray makes me sick. Like most of the other DLC, this doesn't introduce anything new, and nothing too different from the original game. In all honesty, it's not that bad. These are just my opinions, and I do understand how someone would like it and enjoy it, but what I don't understand is why this DLC is so "great". It's a lot better then Broken Steel, and it gives more ground to cover. Point Lookout is a lot bigger then any of the other DLC, but there isn't much to explore, and what's left to explore isn't useful. I haven't found any side quests or anything like that. I might of been a little harsh at the beginning of this review, but my points stand strong; 3 hour story is lame, new characters are annoying and I want to blow everyone's heads off, more ground to cover, and nothing completely different to get used to. In total I give this DLC a fair 3 out of 5