A fun little strategy game...even if it is incredibely difficult.

User Rating: 7.9 | Fallen Haven PC
I got \fallen haven years ago, and have only just found it again, but I still remember playing it for hours on end, just to get that one extra province.

The game is good fun and you can take charge of either side to try and take control of the entire game map...something which I have never got anywhere near to completing. There is a large enough variety in the units to make you think about what you need to invade different places, and the buildings all have very simple usages. The research is a nice touch, but I didn't find it really added a huge amount to the gameplay.

There is quite a variety on locations too, from rocky dry grey places, to deserts, to lush green and even snow covered landscapes, and all of these help to make each fight more unique (although you do get snow covered places right next to deserts...).

In the end this is a very enjoyable game, but it was too difficult for me to complete. I recommend this to anyone who can still find it, as it is good fun for the few pounds you will be paying for it, and if you ever get it finished, contact me and tell me how!