One of the best Puzzle Games since Tetris

User Rating: 9 | Fake Colours OUYA

Upon first glance, Fake Colours looks like a simple 3D cube game. While there is a hint of truth in that, the game is far more complex than expected. The stunning graphics and simple environment provide a unique focus on the core of the game mechanics. There are 30 levels to play and which it seems introduce a unique element about every 5 levels. I highly recommend the game as you can play a level in a few minutes, or spend a long time perfecting the exact number of moves. This fun feature gives you a percentage of the the moves you made. 100% means you didn't make one wrong move in the game. I have really enjoyed this as it has created a lot of replay-ability for me. I can't wait to see this on the mobile platforms as well, but it seems perfect place for this title would be on the WII U, 3DS, and Xbox to me. I am sure many PC gamers would love this title as well and I found a Steam Greenlight project for Fake Colours too. So if you own an OUYA, definitely get this game, and when it comes to other platforms I would recommend it then too!