DO believe the reviews, this will give you a heart attack!!

User Rating: 1 | FaceBreaker X360
I have played this game for about 2 hours, thats enough for me, i saw all the bad reviews for this but saw it in a bargain bin for £4.98 so i thought why not.

Where to start with this steaming pile of rubbish? Graphics are ok, cartoony but smooth throughout so can't complain there too much. That's about it for the good stuff, the rest just plain old sucks.

2 button button-mashing is the best way to describe, no skill required, there are no combos or anything, there is 1 button that does like a supermove where you throw them to the moon or whatever but even that sucks.

Try it on easy and it will batter you to death and make you want to hurt your console. If you see this, do what you have always done and walk byt it.

Can't believe the same company (EA kings of throwing us rubbish games?) made the uber Fight Night Round 3. I wasn't expecting FNR3 but surely even the control method ported over would have saved this game somewhat.

In short, this game sucks, do not rent it, do not buy it, do not look at it, do not even think about it.