Don't be misled by poor reviews for this game - it's a hidden gem with that old-school hardcore feel to it!

User Rating: 7.5 | FaceBreaker X360
Many reviewers shun this game too quickly and I feel it's had some undeserved bad press. It's a monstrously difficult game until you get into the swing of it but once you nail the parries and dodges you'll find yourself beating opponents who previously seemed impossible with ease.

It can be played as either a button basher or a skillful game, the former leading to many a beating being received so I opted for the latter. If you do give it a chance you'll find you start to develop a rhythm during matches and with the quirky graphics and characters it can be a real blast.

So for those looking for a bit of fun and a worthwhile challenge I'd definitely recommend Facebreaker - if you found yourself complaining about Fight Night Round 3 being too easy you're in for a treat and old school gamers will welcome the return of those seemingly-impossible-but-when-you-work-it-out-you-look-uber-cool games of old :)